Thank you for all your typically abundant praise. As the great Ralph Kramden might say - "I am humbled." I will respond when I can manage to but for now just tell you that I appreciate your spirit and work .
In less than two weeks I'm taking a trip to Patzcuaro in Michoacán. I have never been less up for a trip of any kind but will try to gain from it.
Jerry, I enjoy your writing and agree that the DSM is mostly nonsense but sadly mental illness is real. Not the trendy ADHD or Autism spectrum but there is no doubt about a catatonic depression or a maniform psychosis. These and others are horrific diseases which cause suffering and which we psychiatrists CAN now help with a little. A manic person used to have to be locked away, shackled. Look at the streets of blue cities and you will see rampant untreated madness
I think we should have a talk someday about Thomas Szasz and R.D. Laing. The former is to be be admired, the latter not, although as a foolish kid I thought otherwise. Likewise all those stars of music and silver/glowing screens. "A hero ain't nothing but a sandwich."
I've avoided the mindless multitude for a long time. It took some time to recognize the extent and the degree of the deception. Now I see it everywhere. Imagine beLIEving everything and knowing nothing. I formerly would have thought it impossible. Now it's a measurable component of life on this flat(tened) planet.
And perhaps someday we should talk as well about the standard (for example) North American parent - highly skilled at selecting "clever" names for their wretched offspring - useless, downright dangerous in every other way. They are generally incapable of properly caring for or structuring a pet and yet continue to produce hapless homo sapiens.
I almost wish I didn't know better. Madness is something a person does, not something he or she HAS.
We are in a time and place, and we've been there a long time, wherein most of the population is utterly delusional. We are "ruled" by interconnected gangs of psychopaths (many of them philanthropaths) and the bedrock of their power are the delusional masses.
Thanks fer the comment which got ta my inbox but ain't showin' up when I see this page (and thx fer the share from Helen of Dest. too!)--Oddly I cain't see any additions to this page, I click on the "view comment" link an' get a paid subscribers only see com-mints green box--but thankfully somehow kin still see THIS.
Anywho.. yes to parallel "so-sigh-itties"--now that we've left NYShitty we're makin' inroads findin' local farmers just in's gonna be like that ta avoid the diggy-tall IDz. Re sabo-tage (of the baddies), there ARE those with the 'puter chops ta hack ('puter-wise) those that think we're the hackable / useless ones (Hare-are-We... an' others). Someone needs ta turn the lights off on their "War Games" an' flip over the tabletops... In the mean-temps we all gotta stay frosty an' alert! (Again, this wuz a great essay!)
Another gem here Jerry--great read, lotsa "good thinks" here! So back in the "semi-sane" days, how many times did we human beans all hear "Everyone's an expert!" uttered with joyful joshin' but the sentiment (scenty-mint!) was real an' strong. Wuther it was about one've the perpetual wars, how ta solve the "problems" of unemployment er race er inflation er the price've eggs in China (back when it was just...China).... that WAS a true Hallmark (tm) of America--everyone's opinion--an' even them "seat've the pants" views was worth a listen! Those days...GONE. Sad.
Even tho' those've us who still maintain a modicum of DISCERNMENT (ha!) knowin' that we wuz lied-to 'bout EVERYTHING (all the time too! the heroes an' villains've & a good part've our so-called his'try bein' full-out BUNK! ) EVEN knowin' this--many've us recall a time not SO very long ago where not everyone gave a gnat's lil' ass about them "experts." My family table was full'a heated discussions n' bickerin' an' posturin' an' calls ta "prove it!" (this was FUN...we were very busy on the jaw flappy side) an' I distinctly recall many times some fool "expert" on the teevee would be pont-iffy-catin' only to have one'a my loved ones call'im out as a liar, a thief!, a grifter, a fool---an' other far more colorful "woids" some've 'em in yiddish! (HA!) Like I said, polly-tisch-ins were NOT ta be' EVERYONE was indeed a TRUE expert... Yer right Jerry, even with wool over our eyes, we all had discernment! (Diss-Earn-Mint... a sweet ability to disginguish, "diss" / descontruct foolishness--we'd "earned" it too!) Anywho...where'd it go?
Funny aside... just TODAY John Leake wrote purdy good story on STUPIDITY (even in the intelligentsia) which is a nice piece ta pair with some loverly cheese (wine/whine if ya prefer...) an' this very piece out the same day here--i.e. this essay on the "Destruction of Reality" -- call it stupidity (as thus defined) or indeed lack've discernment--we human beans are in mighty big trouble... here's the link:
The piece refers to the theories of one Dietrich Bonhoeffer--tryin' to figger out how the "Good Germans" behaved during WWII... a similar sorry state in which we find our blessed selfs today.
I do NOT feel that 99% of "we the people" are fully "gone"--true, there are slews've 'em that I cain't talk sense to--but WE (us discern-erz) need to hope that even if 10% (I think it's actually more...) have still held onto their heads, hats (my tin crackpot counts!), an' mebbe a few can's a tuna just in case all hell breaks loose, THEN there is STILL some hope we'll git thru this (hopefully 'fore the mushroom cloud darkens our skys--lit'rally an' figuratively of course...)
Much ta think about--thanks fer another good'un Jerry--keep on writin' em!
Thank you for all your typically abundant praise. As the great Ralph Kramden might say - "I am humbled." I will respond when I can manage to but for now just tell you that I appreciate your spirit and work .
In less than two weeks I'm taking a trip to Patzcuaro in Michoacán. I have never been less up for a trip of any kind but will try to gain from it.
Jerry, I enjoy your writing and agree that the DSM is mostly nonsense but sadly mental illness is real. Not the trendy ADHD or Autism spectrum but there is no doubt about a catatonic depression or a maniform psychosis. These and others are horrific diseases which cause suffering and which we psychiatrists CAN now help with a little. A manic person used to have to be locked away, shackled. Look at the streets of blue cities and you will see rampant untreated madness
I think we should have a talk someday about Thomas Szasz and R.D. Laing. The former is to be be admired, the latter not, although as a foolish kid I thought otherwise. Likewise all those stars of music and silver/glowing screens. "A hero ain't nothing but a sandwich."
I've avoided the mindless multitude for a long time. It took some time to recognize the extent and the degree of the deception. Now I see it everywhere. Imagine beLIEving everything and knowing nothing. I formerly would have thought it impossible. Now it's a measurable component of life on this flat(tened) planet.
And perhaps someday we should talk as well about the standard (for example) North American parent - highly skilled at selecting "clever" names for their wretched offspring - useless, downright dangerous in every other way. They are generally incapable of properly caring for or structuring a pet and yet continue to produce hapless homo sapiens.
We are here.
I almost wish I didn't know better. Madness is something a person does, not something he or she HAS.
We are in a time and place, and we've been there a long time, wherein most of the population is utterly delusional. We are "ruled" by interconnected gangs of psychopaths (many of them philanthropaths) and the bedrock of their power are the delusional masses.
Thanks for taking the time.
Thanks fer the comment which got ta my inbox but ain't showin' up when I see this page (and thx fer the share from Helen of Dest. too!)--Oddly I cain't see any additions to this page, I click on the "view comment" link an' get a paid subscribers only see com-mints green box--but thankfully somehow kin still see THIS.
Anywho.. yes to parallel "so-sigh-itties"--now that we've left NYShitty we're makin' inroads findin' local farmers just in's gonna be like that ta avoid the diggy-tall IDz. Re sabo-tage (of the baddies), there ARE those with the 'puter chops ta hack ('puter-wise) those that think we're the hackable / useless ones (Hare-are-We... an' others). Someone needs ta turn the lights off on their "War Games" an' flip over the tabletops... In the mean-temps we all gotta stay frosty an' alert! (Again, this wuz a great essay!)
Another gem here Jerry--great read, lotsa "good thinks" here! So back in the "semi-sane" days, how many times did we human beans all hear "Everyone's an expert!" uttered with joyful joshin' but the sentiment (scenty-mint!) was real an' strong. Wuther it was about one've the perpetual wars, how ta solve the "problems" of unemployment er race er inflation er the price've eggs in China (back when it was just...China).... that WAS a true Hallmark (tm) of America--everyone's opinion--an' even them "seat've the pants" views was worth a listen! Those days...GONE. Sad.
Even tho' those've us who still maintain a modicum of DISCERNMENT (ha!) knowin' that we wuz lied-to 'bout EVERYTHING (all the time too! the heroes an' villains've & a good part've our so-called his'try bein' full-out BUNK! ) EVEN knowin' this--many've us recall a time not SO very long ago where not everyone gave a gnat's lil' ass about them "experts." My family table was full'a heated discussions n' bickerin' an' posturin' an' calls ta "prove it!" (this was FUN...we were very busy on the jaw flappy side) an' I distinctly recall many times some fool "expert" on the teevee would be pont-iffy-catin' only to have one'a my loved ones call'im out as a liar, a thief!, a grifter, a fool---an' other far more colorful "woids" some've 'em in yiddish! (HA!) Like I said, polly-tisch-ins were NOT ta be' EVERYONE was indeed a TRUE expert... Yer right Jerry, even with wool over our eyes, we all had discernment! (Diss-Earn-Mint... a sweet ability to disginguish, "diss" / descontruct foolishness--we'd "earned" it too!) Anywho...where'd it go?
Funny aside... just TODAY John Leake wrote purdy good story on STUPIDITY (even in the intelligentsia) which is a nice piece ta pair with some loverly cheese (wine/whine if ya prefer...) an' this very piece out the same day here--i.e. this essay on the "Destruction of Reality" -- call it stupidity (as thus defined) or indeed lack've discernment--we human beans are in mighty big trouble... here's the link:
The piece refers to the theories of one Dietrich Bonhoeffer--tryin' to figger out how the "Good Germans" behaved during WWII... a similar sorry state in which we find our blessed selfs today.
I do NOT feel that 99% of "we the people" are fully "gone"--true, there are slews've 'em that I cain't talk sense to--but WE (us discern-erz) need to hope that even if 10% (I think it's actually more...) have still held onto their heads, hats (my tin crackpot counts!), an' mebbe a few can's a tuna just in case all hell breaks loose, THEN there is STILL some hope we'll git thru this (hopefully 'fore the mushroom cloud darkens our skys--lit'rally an' figuratively of course...)
Much ta think about--thanks fer another good'un Jerry--keep on writin' em!