https://healthimpactnews.com/2020/children-have-0-00-chance-of-dying-from-covid-but-are-harmed-for-life-by-social-distancing-which-has-its-roots-in-cia-torture-techniques/ ; this article gives some detail as to how social isolation [among other techniques] was studied in the 50s and 60s by the CIA. I also recall reading a piece about a secret meeting at a Ritz-Carlton hotel somewhere in Canada that involved Canadian and CIA officials (but I can't find anything on that anywhere at the moment).

I've always wondered how humanity can be so cruel and seemingly unforgiving. No matter how much I research and learn, that may be a question I'll never be able to answer.

I currently reside in Houston, TX and would love to get outta here but enough about that lol

My email: daniellindor@protonmail.com; show me your design idea whenever you have time!

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Absolutely! At present I'm absent of any tangible ideas as to how to go about that but I believe one of these days my brain will conjure something -- and if/when that happens I will share my ideas with you! I hope your trip to Mexico was pleasant and relaxing (if that was your reason for your trip)!

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Fine poetry, my friend! I'm curious to know, is there a particular name for this style of poetry? I write poetry on my platform, too but I was looking to change it up a little and give my own work some more "flavor" if you will lol.

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Sorry I'm late responding. I'm still struggling to find a voice. I'm not sure what style of poetry it represents. While I usually write slowly and deliberately (perhaps too much so) this was more of an outburst that began with the insane and inane results of the search term "experts say."

Thanks for the feedback.

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Honestly I believe slower and more transparent words are the best way to write. In a highly tumultuous environment where today's so-called "journalists" seemingly say whatever, whenever, whereever and to whomever, articulate wording that can inspire critical and creative thought is one way I feel we can help drive the much needed change. As far as finding a voice, yes it's important to try growing our platforms as much as we can, but always remember that our work does have an impact even if we can't immediately see or perceive it.

It surely would be nice if I could grow my own platform at a quicker pace and make a little bit of money myself (I'd be a terrible liar if I said money wasn't at all part of my motivation), but I try to remember that my goal isn't so much to just "grow" and say whatever, whenever as much as it is to try inspiring others out there either to engage in productive conversations or just to keep going. Our work, no matter how wide or narrow our reach, can and does have a positive impact especially when it encourages and inspires others to stay intact. And I can say the same of your work, my friend!

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You covered this well and I don't need to respond point by point to your spot on analysis. I will add only two points. One, I don't believe but rather know that I am an unknown and unrecognized visionary and it's a difficult thing to be that. And two, I have encountered via this flawed medium a number of humans (as opposed to mindless entities) with whom that I'd like to have real literal analog conversations.

Yes, we'd like to garner a little material something from this. Whatever happened to the notion of I'll do what I love and the money will follow? If you want to brainstorm on how we can do better in that regard, I am definitely interested.

By the way, I just got back (last night) from a trip to Mexico - Patzcruaro, Mexico to be precise.

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Absolutely! At present I'm absent of ideas but if/when my brain does conjure something, I'll be sure to share them with you! I hope your trip was pleasant and relaxing (if that was the reason for your trip)!

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Maybe we can work on this together.

The trip was definitely to get away and this was as you might imagine only partly possible. Masked zombies in the airport, masked zombie passengers on the airplane(s), masked zombie stewardesses and stewards, masked waiters in the restaurants. Masked locals (and tourists) walking in the zocalo. Somehow the masked children and teenagers walking to the indoctrination centers was particularly chilling even as I possess none of that peculiar and particular generalized fondness for children.

Especially absurd was hearing the standard pre-takeoff warnings with the added verbiage to the effect that one should remove his or her "face covering" before putting on the oxygen mask.

No matter where you go there it is.

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Another thought came to mind recently. Perhaps we could start a podcast of our own together (if you don't mind being seen)!

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I would've been entirely disconcerted at such sights myself, so much so I might want to crawl in a hole.

Yet I can't help but feel how low we, as humanity have fallen if we need to be reminded about removing their "face diapers" (per the words of an investigative researcher) before putting on their oxygen mask (should the need arise).

Yes, let's try to work on something together; no rush, no haste! If any ideas come to your mind that you wish to share with me, I'm all ears (eyes lol)!

I personally am working on a book that I'd like to finish by early May or no later than June, and I also have a design idea that I may try to get patented; so I'll keep you up to date on those if you wish to hear more!

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