You need to add community outpourings, church services, and candlelight vigils to your list.

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Good points all of them ! Also, the SSRIs and other brain-drain meds help spooks "operate" these patsys -- like Jolly West "operated" Ruby and so on... maybe more high tech? Maybe more remote stuff involved. In my mind, sometimes they actually take out a couple few victims so you have to watch carefully--some of these select few may even think they are part of the drill and expect to get the blank... and don't. That way there is someone legit to sue and collect and distract the grazing sheeple (but we all end up in Scotland in the morning). Here's one exception to the chestnut , "The Show Must Go On!" -- this one needs to stop as of course they're using it to take away the 2nd and it's a very dirty trick. You could create a little booklet, how to spot a fake staged public shooting... I wonder if that might help? (Meanwhile though, they'll go after Alex Jones when the real victims are all of us.."we the people" and such).

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